Monthly Digest
We have exciting news to share! WPN has made arrangements for Dr. Ryan Anderson to come and address us at a special conference in November. Dr. Anderson is the author of Truth Overruled: The Future of Marriage and Religious Freedom. This book was released on Kindle only a month after the Obergefell ruling and, on August 31, it was released in paperback. We encourage you to read this book. Watch your inbox for details on the upcoming conference.
At SCOTUS Blog, the blog of the Supreme Court, you can read a variety of opinions on the SCOTUS ruling on marriage. There are articles both for and against so they give a good overview of potential ramifications for how this will affect us as church leaders.
At the Witherspoon Institute you can read a variety of articles written by Ryan Anderson. Ryan is the premiere thinker among conservative Christians in being able to articulate core arguments in defense of Biblical marriage. Ryan’s arguments however, come from natural revelation and history.
Peter Roff, This Is Only the Beginning: The Supreme Court’s Decision Legalizing Gay Marriage Nationwide Presents a Threat to Religious Liberty. A good overview of some of the implications this ruling will be having on the church.
Religious Freedom
John Burger, Congress Set to Disband Government Watchdog Monitoring Religious Freedom, August 31, 2015. U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom will shut down in only a few days unless its mandate is extended.
30 North Carolina Magistrates Refuse Gay Weddings – Legally at CBN
Audio/Visual Resources
On August 5, the Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission of the SBC held their 2015 National Conference. Dr. Russell Moore delivered a well thought out presentation titled: How the Gospel Reshapes Evangelical Political Engagement. All of the presentations are available for viewing on YouTube.
August 12-13, a conference was presented by Doxology called: Finding Our Voice: Sex, Marriage, and the Christian Vision. This conference focussed on helping pastors find their voice by setting current issues into their broader task of pastoral care. Audio recordings of all presentations were made and are available for free download.
To God Alone be the glory,
Tim Moyer, Thayne
Shaun Sells, Cheyenne
Jonathan Lange, Evanston