As a subscriber, we will notify you once or twice a week about a critical issue facing our communities, state and country. With your support, WPN Action Alerts have the potential of influencing state legislation that will protect religious liberty while building stronger families and communities across Wyoming. Subscribe to WPN Action Alert today! Tell all of your friends and family. Together, with God’s help, we are making a difference!
The First Amendment to the US Constitution and provisions of the Wyoming Constitution guarantee Judge Neely, no less than any other American, freedom of religious exercise.
The prosecution of Judge Neely should greatly trouble all Wyomingites and Americans no matter their religious or political stripe. If Judge Neely can be removed because of her convictions, no public servant’s career is safe.
The prosecution of Judge Neely should greatly trouble all Wyomingites and Americans no matter their religious or political stripe. If Judge Neely can be removed because of her convictions, no public servant’s career is safe.